Did you know fruit density rating should be between 0 and .6 ???
Here’s a list of some of my favorite fruits with their energy density ratings listed below.
Sweet Oranges .6
Pretty Plums .6
Bountiful Blueberries .6
Red Delicious Apples .6
Awesome Apricots .5
Precious Pineapple .5
Cool Cantaloupe .4
Hot Honeydew .4
Powerful Papaya .4
Positive Peaches .4
Tenacious Tangerines .4
Rich Raspberries .3
Wow Watermelon .3
Gutsy Grapefruit .3
Sexy Strawberries .2
Sweet Oranges .6
Pretty Plums .6
Bountiful Blueberries .6
Red Delicious Apples .6
Awesome Apricots .5
Precious Pineapple .5
Cool Cantaloupe .4
Hot Honeydew .4
Powerful Papaya .4
Positive Peaches .4
Tenacious Tangerines .4
Rich Raspberries .3
Wow Watermelon .3
Gutsy Grapefruit .3
Sexy Strawberries