“Stop Copying Black Women + Not Giving Them Credit”


I said it …

She ripped off my ENTIRE business model and “tried” to copy my brand.

It wasn’t the first time a female leader flaunted my ideas online as her own.

I‘ve been on the receiving end of such behavior (for the 5th time and I’m sure there are more).

My inbox was flooded with messages.

“This sounds like you”

“She’s now doing what you do”

“They literally copied + pasted your words”

History will show Black Women have always been innovative and often imitated but where do we draw the line?

Is it okay to continue to suppress the work of Black women?

Is it okay to undermine our work?

Is it okay to silence our ideas?

Not pay us for our work in the world?

I’ve been copied by women at 6 figures, 7 figures and YES (8 figures).

Some of them you proudly follow and pay homage to.

Why are women copying me?


The fashion industry doesn’t support Copycat HANDBAGS.

Don’t support COPYCAT businessowners.


How would you like if someone did that to your original work?

You worked hard to create something new, inspire and serve others. Only to have someone copy it and call themselves a ‘Thought Leader’. Girl BYE!!

Most of the so called ‘thought leaders’ couldn’t come up with an original idea if their life depended on it.


I’ve attended the seminars.
Joined the masterminds and paid for regurgitated information.


This is what happens when people run out of ideas and they lack the brilliance and genius to come up with something new.

☑️ They sign up for your newsletter.

☑️ They stalk your post and do not like or reply.

☑️ They fill your DM with questions.

☑️ They don’t want people to know they are, in fact, copying you.

It’s on the DL!

Let’s honor the legacy of black women by respecting and giving credit to the trailblazing work that has shaped movements, set trends, and transformed industries.

Including yours truly …


If you’d like to experience the innovation, originality and transformation of FEMME Global 500.

Head on over to FEMMEGlobal500.com and sign up for one of my
complimentary events.

“Feminine Networthing At Its Finest”

Thanks a TRILLION,

Ungenita Prevost

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