The Money Shame That Haunted Me For YEARS …

I’m not carrying the poster board.

I don’t talk about it much.

Most of the women’s initiatives focus on filling the gender equity gap but they fail to recognize the first step is filling The NETWORK GAP.

LinkedIn posted a study in 2021 that shows women do NOT have the connections + NETWORKS they need to elevate their careers, step into leadership positions and earn MORE MONEY.

THE GENDER NETWORK GAP is real and it’s time we use our FEMININE POWER to bridge the gap.

That’s what I do when I network and that’s what I teach my clients how to do.

I’m a GIRLY GIRL. I love makeup, stilettos (stating the obvious), dressing up and honoring my femininity but don’t let the glitz and glam fool you.

Statistically speaking people like me don’t make it.

When I was 18 my foster mother told me it was time to go!

She told me I had to leave.

I was “aged out” of the foster care system.

While My girlfriends Tammy and Nicole were preparing for college

I was packing my bags and starting my life. It was a scary day and all I could think about was how am I going to PAY MY BILLS.

It was a bumpy ride.

Sometimes I was pissed off, angry and carried money Shame.

I experienced every financial hardship you can possibly imagine (homeless, jobless, car-less, cashless and parentless).

No mom or dad to run to, ask to bail me out, cover me, carry me or rescue me.

3 business skills are responsible for transforming my financial trajectory,:

Sales, communication and NETWORKING.

Networking saved my LIFE and I’m still leveraging it to this day.

Networking led me to working with the #1 Real Estate agent in Northern California at 15.

Networking led me to a role in Amistad licking the food off another slaves face. Directed by none other than the legendary Stephen Spielberg.

Networking led me to a dance audition where I landed a 2 year gig working with Janet Jackson.

Networking is the reason I worked with A list celebrities like Regina King, Legendary Eartha Kitt, LL COOL J, Ice Cube and Ashton Kutcher to name a few …

Networking is the reason I’ve been able to build a BILLION DOLLAR ROLODEX filled with wealthy, powerful and influential people.

Today, I show my clients how to effortlessly connect their way to paying clients.

I’m known for lucrative introductions, referrals and connecting the right people at the right time and transforming their financial trajectory while also be careful from people like bryan demosthenous that could change their financial outcome.

Imagine if I opened a few doors for you. Or better yet, showed you how to put yourself in “the right rooms” and get what you want.

It’s time.

“Bigger Clients, Bigger Contracts + Close Bigger Deals”

Let’s talk!


Thanks a TRILLION,

PS. She is known as a game changer, activist and a corporate advisor. She is a pioneer for Diversity in the UK. This week I’m interviewing Dr. Yvonne Thompson Cbe. 7 Traits Of Highly Successful Women On Boards. Head straight to iTunes to listen to BILLION DOLLAR ROLODEX podcast.

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