Martial Arts is a great way to get into shape and learn how to defend yourself if you are ever in an unfortunate situation. I have been training for about 5 years & obtained my Blue Belt in Tae Kwon Do at Rifkin Pro Karate Center in Canoga Park, CA. I was featured in Inside Kung Fu Magazine displaying some of my power kicks. Being a dancer the transition was easy. I remember when I learned how to do a spinning roundhouse it was very similar to a pirouette. I even learned Krav Maga techniques for a TV Show. I will be kicking for the rest of my life. I have attended cardio kickboxing class at every gym in my town. When Equinox opened minutes from my house last year. I signed up for Tae Kick & have been training ever since. In fact the instructor is from the famed Billy Blanks Studio. So if you want to get in shape fast I say sign up for a trial membership at your local gym & take boxing/kickboxing classes. Why not get out of your comfort zone & try something new. The calories you will burn are worth the price of admission and it’s a sure fire way to fit into your skinny jeans.
The Knockdowns, The Hissy Fits, The Brawls, The Breakdowns, The Meltdowns
I have a red pair of boxing gloves for the gym & a black pair for sparring in Tae Kwon Do. I love using boxing as a metaphor for life. You must always be ready to have a knockdown drag out fight for your dreams.