I love to travel & am excited that I’m departing on Sunday for Las Vegas. I almost always over pack so I never say I wish I would have brought that dress or top. Though I have to watch it because the last time I traveled I had to pay extra for my luggage.
I love visiting new places & meeting new people. Not to mention how much reading I get done. I’m sure I’ll knock out at least 3 books on this trip. So I thought I’d share some travel tips with you as I board the plane.
#1 Dress Comfortably but look nice because you never know who you are going to sit next to. It could be for business or pleasure.
#2 Make use of your time by grabbing a book or bringing your work with you. You will be amazed at how fast the time flies in the sky when you’re productive.
#3 Carry travel sizes of your favorite beauty products so you can primp on the plane. Eye cream, moisturizer & lip balm are always nice to have handy because the air on the plane can take a toll on your skin & if you haven’t been sleeping regularly due to travel. You want to make sure your eyes are taken cared of to prevent dark circles & puffiness. I recommend an eye pillow.