Are You Ready To Hire A Coach?


It’s time for a time out! What comes to mind when you think of a coach?  Sports right?  Basketball, Football, Soccer, Hockey, or Tennis. For the record I’m not fanatic about sports, though I have cheerleading uniforms to prove that I’ve got team spirit. Recently I’ve been drawn to watch the Los Angeles Lakers.

Why? Because of Kobe Bryant; I’m sure that’s not a surprise. Yes he’s Tall, Dark, & Handsome but you know why I‘m impressed by him. His diligence…his winning mentality…his you cannot break me persona. I would love to pick his brain. I strongly feel he could offer some insight on what it takes to be a true champion. He’s always been a great player but he’s gotten better over the years & some attribute it to coach Phil Jackson.

No matter how great he is, the world’s greatest basketball player (in my opinion) has a coach. Top achievers know that to really get ahead and create peak performance, they must have a coach. This goes beyond basketball, high achievers in any field have coaches and they always achieve more than those who don’t. Observe anyone at the top of their game and their “top secret” will be the same – they have all had someone to guide, counsel and give them direction – and most likely it was a coach. Halle Berry attributed her Oscar winning performance to her acting coach.

Tiger Woods speaks of the coach that pushes his golf game & there’s someone that coached a Senator who is now The President Of The United States Of America.

You can hire a coach to assist you in achieving personal and/or professional goals at an accelerated pace. By all means, it is very similar to athletic coaching. A coach can support you in manifesting your highest potential and stepping into the higher version of yourself. You can be good but when you want to be great. A coach is the perfect antidote to achieve your goals.

The beauty about coaching today is that you can hire a coach to support you in so many areas. If you want to gain clarity, improve your self-confidence, release fear, improve communication skills, realize a dream or grow a small business. Your ideas and actions are strengthened by the input of a coach. You can even make quantum leaps to riches with the right coach.

Information without implementation is pure insanity!!!

Choosing the right coach can be a lot like buying a car. Choose your experts wisely because there are some bad models/good models out there. For example a lot of coaches will give you “the what but not the how”. This is a common cycle that I see that brings many individuals great frustration about the industry. The way that I’ve chosen coaches/mentors is by their level of success. I live by the motto follow winners so you win too.

Find out who their clients are & what type of results they’ve gotten. Please don’t fall for the marketing/sales scams that are rampant on the internet or allow yourself to be swindled into a program at a seminar. Do your homework! It’s an investment in your future & I’d like you to yield high returns.

Another question, do they have a coach? It’s important that they practice what they preach. If they’re not evolving how can they possible assist you with your growth?

You’re probably wondering where I am going with this. I have listed 7 important points that I’d like you to answer honestly if you are currently coaching with someone. If you a re honestly considering hiring someone to coach you. Please use this as a guide.

How To Hire A Coach Checklist

1. Are you coached by someone that’s not living the lifestyle you want to live?

2. Have you been coached by someone & later learned their not as successful as you thought they were?

3. Have you ever been coached by someone and found yourself running around in circles?

4. Have you ever been coached by someone who promised to increase your income when the only thing they were good at was decreasing your income?

5. Have you ever been coached by someone that over promised & under delivered?

6. Deep down inside do you feel this person is not being authentic?

7. Are you questioning this person’s ability to give you the results you’re looking for?

If you answered yes to at least one of the five questions it might be time to give someone a pink slip or avoid someone because in the future you’ll probably have to.

Donald Trump coined the term you’re fired. On television it was exciting & captivating. However life doesn’t always imitate art especially when it can affect your business and bottom-line. Remember your ideas and actions are strengthened by the input of a coach. Make sure you hire the right one!

You Need A Leader Who Walks Her Talk:

There are so many people that fall into coaching as a means to an end. I discovered that coaching is my life’s purpose. Oddly enough, I had been coaching friends since grade school and today I’ve completely stepped up to transform the lives of women around the world.

As a member of the The Billionairess Coaching Circle, you have exclusive access to my weekly live coaching calls.  On these calls, I share with you information and advice about the most recent developments and advancements to further propel your business and life. 

And to top if off I offer you custom designed coaching for your specific business & life challenges offering you  answers filled with actions steps so you leave the call knowing exactly what to do & how to implement.

Remember your ideas and actions are strengthened by the input of a coach.

  • Guidance
  • Accountability
  • Accessibility
  • Inspiration
  • Implementation

“Information without implementation is pure insanity!!! It’s rare to find a group program that offers one-on-one attention at this introductory price. I invite you to take advantage of the opportunity & the value I’m providing…”

Do you lack structure in your small business? I love showing female entrepreneurs how to structure their businesses so they live a beautiful life. That’s what it’s all about. If your life is a mess, you’re unorganized, struggling to pay your bills that’s drop dead ugly- structure is the beautiful solution! I invite you to experience a Business Curriculum like none other via my Hot & Sexy Mentorship for the Female Entrepreneur who lacks structure. I want to mentor you & show you how to make jaw-dropping leaps in your life & business NOW! Stop the drama & the never ending cycle & work with me one-on-on so you can obtain the success you deserve. Step into your true feminine power & live a “Pink Lifestyle”. 

***If you want more information about Ungenita Prevost’s products/services visit

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