Beauty meets Business…You can have the right look & phenomenal presentation skills but if you wish to be successful in a down economy your contact should be constant. Remember people are inundated with messages every day. You want to stand out in a crowd of thousands.
The Fortune Is In The Follow Up….I’m sure you heard that before. No matter what career you are pursuing; following up should be your daily commandment. It could be worth 500, 5,000 or 50,000.
I was on Alexandria Brown’s Platinum Mastermind call with Anna Post. She is Emily Post’s great-great-granddaughter and an author and spokesperson for The Emily Post Institute.
Giving advice on modern etiquette dilemmas is Anna’s specialty. She suggested following up with a phone call, sending an email, mailing a card & following thru when you say you are going to do something are all great forms of Etiquette. I love when she added it’s not just about forks & knives. Having better manners in business is a beautiful thing!