Dress Up Your Business

Imagine a business that is essentially YOU!

Today, more than ever you can experience the energy and excitement of “Being YOU For A Living”!

The minute you open your doors for business, you’re telling the world, I have something to sell that I want you to buy. How are they going to notice you? Are you truly standing out from the competition?

SFX Makeup Artist’s Here’s Your Big Break

Hello MUAs, Look what landed in my in-box, this might be the opportunity you were looking for. Beauty, Wealth & Success, Ungenita Submit your application and become a contestant on Face Off! You’ve seen the heated competition on the first season of Face Off, and a scintillating Season Two is on the way, with more […]

5 Must Have Accessories (For Life)

If you are a true “Fashionista”, you know the feeling; you’re checking yourself out in the mirror. You have the perfect outfit! Your ensemble includes pieces that are in this season and 2 from the past. Your hair is highlighted, layered and bouncing all over the place. Your $50.00 perfectly polished manicure & pedicure makes you feel beautiful from head to toe. You’re ready!!! But, wait a minute, something is missing… That’s right. Despite the fact that you’re “Dressed To The Nines”, your entire look can make you a “Fashion Don’t” if you don’t accessorize. If you’re looking to make a fashion statement, make sure you’ve accessorized. It can make or break your outfit.

Should I Niche my Beauty/Fashion Biz?

I like to think of myself as a Jane of all trades, I can dance, act, write, coach, sing, produce, decorate, twirl batons, and perform cheerleading routines. I’m pretty good at them all BUT when it comes to business I had to hone in on 1 in order to “Be Me For A Living”!

The Letter “F”

I was surprised to learn that A, B & C aren’t the most popular letters in the alphabet! With an 8.17% rating, E is in fact, the most popular letter in the alphabet. Z is the last letter in the alphabet and ironically, it’s the least favorite with a 0.07% rating.

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