Don’t leave home without smooth lips. I don’t wear lipstick everyday but there’s always a lip balm in the vicinity. I have them in my car, gym bag & of course my purse. Your lips can tend to dry out fast so I highly recommend reapplying through out the day. There are many brands. If you are outside go for a product with sunscreen. Here’s my smooth collection.
Ungenita’s Top 7 Lip Smacking Moisturizers
Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment SPF 15
Murad Energizing Pomegranate Lip Therapy SPF 15
Mary Kay Satin Lips® Set (Mask & Balm)
Burt’s Bees Pomegranate Lip Balm
C.O. Bigelow My Favorite Lip Balm
MAC Lip Conditioner Stick SPF 15
Rosebud Strawberry Lip Balm