Today I’m off to Childhelp Merv Griffin Village in Beaumont, California to visit Foster kids. I was introduced to this organization by my friend Suzzy. We visited the ranch last month & I met a 12 year old girl that the staff asked me to mentor. Spending time in the Foster Care system myself it was my moment of truth. I can’t tell you how many times I thought about doing something like this. Clearly it had been tugging at my heart . My “Special Friend” is having time accepting her beauty so I’m looking forward to helping her feel better about herself. She smiled & I was so touched. You never know how kids that suffer abuse are going to respond to total strangers. The staff said she doesn’t smile often so I was happy she smiled at me. We had a lovely day. The ranch the kids live on is absolutely beautiful. I’m so excited to go back today because this organization fits perfectly with me. I’m not one to jump on bandwagons so I only commit to charities that align with my purpose. BTW…I get to bring her a gift. I found a really cute journal & a bracelet because she likes jewelry. I hope she likes it!!!
Founded in 1959 the story of Childhelp is about two young Hollywood actresses Sara Buckner (O’Meara) and Yvonne Lime (Fedderson) “chance” encounters—one with 11 homeless orphans abroad, and one with Nancy Reagan—and how they led to a lifelong commitment to helping children in need. It’s quite fascinating & I highly encourage you to visit www.childhelp.org/full history
Imagine leaving a legacy behind so your exit is bigger than your entrance. It’s amazing how many lives Merv Griffin is still touching. What’s your favorite game show? “Jeopardy” or “Wheel Of Fortune”. My aunt appeared on “Wheel Of Fortune” but she didn’t win. She was excited to go though after watching it on TV for years. In the mean time I continue to think how can I make my mark on this planet.