I love………………..to talk communicating is a beautiful thing. It’s rare that I’m at a lost for words. One action I recently implemented which has assisted me in managing my time wisely is cutting down on the minutes I spend on the phone. The phone can lead to jibber jabber which is not productive during work hours. I recommend not turning your phone into a social club while your business clock is ticking. Try to keep personal conversations to 5 minutes max during the day. There are days when I don’t pick up the phone & you better believe I get more done. Emailing is my thing. Right now I’m in the market for a blackberry. I’m not a techie so it’s color first & features second. I thought it might be nice when traveling so I can check my emails but I am not…let me repeat I am not a text messaging queen. That too can get out of hand. If you are finding that there’s not enough time in the day check your talking & texting patterns. An hour here, an hour there can add up. You might want to utilize that time toward something more productive or income producing. BTW…radiation produces FREE RADICALS which leads to oxidation. Oxidation leads to aging at an excelerated pace. Time for ANTIOXIDANTS. Got to…Got to…Got to… keep those cells beautiful!