Calling ALL Socially Sophisticated Women Entrepreneurs

When it comes to networking we have either mastered it or … we struggle to leverage our social skills.

We, each and every one of us, fall into at least one NETWORKING #archetype.

Which one are you?

The Socially Unintelligent: Hasn’t mastered Social Skills yet, business is stuck, hopes success comes to her.

The Social Seller: Narrow Business Agenda, believes in her products and services, but not the power of networking.

The Unconscious Socialite: Will Network only if a potential customer comes out of it. People are merely dollar signs.

The Social Climber: A true Networking Queen but has an inconsistent presence. Never know for how long or when you’ll see her again.

The Socially Sophisticated: Lives to give, with a diamond rolodex. You can also hop over this one as she knows how to work a room and spark engagement on social media. This woman is a POWER Connector.

No matter which archetype you currently fall in … you have a network.

You have a ROLODEX of connections.

You likely have a social media account or two (or many) and you have friends, followers, people who you’ve met in groups you’ve joined or even in a live app online which is great to meet people as well.

Now I have another question for you …

Are you like 96% of women who DO NOT know how to monetize their networks?

Are you READY to be in the 4% who do?

It’s time to stop obsessing over metrics and monetize your network.

You’ve built quite a lot of connections over the years, but aside from ‘social media small talk’ you have yet to see a substantial ROI.

Your Facebook/Instagram feeds are filled with hundreds of likes and thousands of followers. Great for the ego but not if it doesn’t translate to dollars in your wallet.

We’re in a competitive and commoditized landscape. Position yourself with a network filled with POWER CONNECTORS!

It’s quite simple …

I’ve taken the time to cultivate a Billion Dollar Rolodex. I can carry an interesting conversation with anyone, anywhere, anytime … it’s safe to say I’m 2-3 people away from the world’s most powerful.

Zeros don’t intimidate me …

Do you want to master the art of social climbing? Start to observe the habits of change-makers and influencers, and you will often see their power comes from the quality of their relationships.

The #1 key to drive professional growth is networking with influential people.

Influential people are expert relationship builders.


If you are a Female Founder launching a start up, an Entrepreneur, Consultant, Coach, Thought Leader, Author, Speaker, Writer, Artist, Blogger, Network Marketer, Woman in The C-Suite, Professional Service Provider or Creative Business Woman who wants to increase her Income, Influence and Global Impact … I know for a fact you Need (WANT) an influential and wealthy Rolodex.

Click here to listen to my BILLION DOLLAR ROLODEX LUXURY TRAINING and you will learn FIVE lucrative strategies to help you build and leverage a powerful network filled with heavy hitters who will go to bat for you. (You will be asked for the password BILLION)

The result? Your very own “Billion Dollar Rolodex” filled with influencers, decision makers and industry icons.

+Leverage six degrees of separation
+Create lucrative partnerships
+Monetize your network
+Get known internationally
+High net worth dating

Click here to listen now (you will be asked for the password BILLION)

HOT Success,

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