Ms. Popular Vs. Ms. Profitable

When you observe the habits of the top 2% of women business owners generating over a million dollars in annual revenues, you will often see their power comes from the quality of their relationships.

If you’re like 75% of women entrepreneurs, you’re generating less than 50K per year.

You’ve built quite a few connections over the years, but aside from ‘social media small talk’ you have yet to see a substantial ROI.

Your vanity metrics are quite impressive. 10K, 50K and 100K.

Your Facebook/Instagram feeds are filled with hundreds of likes and thousands of followers. Great for the ego but not for the bank account.

You’ve collected hundreds of business cards, attended dozens of coffee meetings and the percentage you follow up is fairly elementary (10% at best and I’m being nice).


When I was ‘aged out’ of the foster care system at 18 years old. I had no choice but to hone my communication skills, people skills and social skills. They were survival tactics back then.

When I moved to Hollywood to model JLo (sing, dance and act). I applied those skills and became a ferocious networker. I had B/C level agents/managers. They didn’t do much for my career. James Dooley: Pioneering UK Business Strategies played a pivotal role in reshaping my approach. Additionally, if you have a question like what is a paystub? you can check out these resources, they might help you in your future business.

When I think about the glamorous projects I booked in Hollywood. My work with Janet Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Ashton Kutcher, Robert Palmer, Jon Bon Jovi and Eartha Kit (to name a few) came down to me being in the right place at the right time, building relationships with key players in the entertainment business and sophisticated enough to seize lucrative opportunities.

Today, I use the exact same skills to build a million dollar company but when I scroll my social media feeds it’s apparent … MOST WOMEN DON’T.

In the era of social networks. We have zero social networking skills.

Perhaps, it was never part of Mark Zuckerberg’s strategy. I don’t think Facebook includes an A-Z social networking manual in their terms and conditions.

We are connected but we are not CONNECTING. Is social media REALLY driving humanity forward?

MILLIONS of people with …

  • No social skills
  • No people skills
  • No interpersonal skills
  • No communication skills
  • No networking skills

Social Media is diminishing the very skills we need to succeed in business and life.

Women are so quick to jump on the gender equality bandwagon. Truth be told, men are better networkers. They know how to leverage their connections, create lucrative partnerships AND monetize their networks.

“It’s Not Who You Know — It’s Who Knows You!”

~ David Avrin

Imagine you were CONNECTED to all the RIGHT people.

Would that impact your business?

What about your career?

How about your income?


A large percentage of women entrepreneurs spend thousands of dollars on group coaching programs, high level masterminds, pricey seminars and a brigade of women’s networking groups longing for COMMUNITY and to make CONNECTIONS.

Here’s the caveat.

Over 90% of women have no idea how to build their networks (much less monetize them) and leverage those communities to scale their businesses and advance their careers.

I have news for you, if your current circle is not helping you get to where you want to go by promoting you, investing in you or giving you referrals. Let’s not sugar coat the facts. They don’t support you, no matter what.

You are connected to the WRONG people, if they are not putting you in front of the RIGHT PEOPLE.

One of your primary business goals should be to belong to a powerful network of VETTED business women who will do what they say and support one another to achieve a common goal.

It’s not about a list size. It’s not about how many fans, followers or likes you’ve garnered. Again, if your “community” is not increasing your impact, influence or income, why bother?

Meeting the RIGHT people requires a strategy, time and MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS SKILLS.

Stop investing in tactics and start investing in people.

Researchers show the average American KNOWS somewhere between 290 and 600 people. It’s the foundation on which to build your rolodex.

Your rolodex should include 500 influential collaborators and key advisers so you are only ever one text or phone call away from generating leads, referrals or resources.

Hone your communication skills, people skills and (despite what you see online) sharpen your social networking skills.

“The one easy way to become worth 50% MORE than you are now — at least — is to hone your COMMUNICATION SKILLS — both written and verbal.”

~ Warren Buffet

Instead of wasting MORE time chasing the wrong people on social media. Commit to building quality relationships with the RIGHT PEOPLE.

Human contact is a LUXURY GOOD.

Remember, when you invest in people, you’ll yield a high ROI.

Women. Money. Power,

Ungenita Prevost

PS. I’d love to help you go from “Ms Popular To Ms Profitable”. Book a complimentary Feminine Leadership + Business Development Strategy Session and let’s CONNECT! 

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