PoshONPennies® Launches with Sass, Class and a Whole Lot of Empowerment for Millennial Women SAN FRANCISCO – PoshONPennies is more than just a pretty face. The website is for 20- and early 30-somethings that are intelligent, savvy-up-and-comers in pursuit of an extraordinary life, filled with sass and a whole lot of class. PoshONPennies (a play […]
How To Deal With Mistakes
Lessons From Whoopi Goldberg on Oprah’s Master Class
I’ve always admired Whoopi Goldberg for her work and her insights on The View but my biggest take away from Whoopi Goldberg on Oprah’s Master Class was how she stood firm in who she is and how that one trait could very well be possible for her beating the odds and defying Hollywood’s standards of […]
You Haven’t Worn A Stiletto Heel Like This
I love Stilettos and if you’re reading this blog. I’m sure you do too. And you will be pleased to know I figured out a way to make your Stilettos work for you. Pretty Sexy, if you ask me. My new book SellingINStilettos™ will be on a book shelf near you real soon BUT you […]
Haters Can Make You A Hot Success
H: Having A: Anger T: Towards E: Everyone R: Reaching S: Success Let’s face it, people are going to talk about You BUT it’s not your job to necessarily listen. You’ve been there, I know I have…BUT if it’s ever crossed your mind: How to deal with HATERS? Here Are 5 tips That Can Turn […]
Aficionado (One Size Doesn’t Fit All)
noun: A·fi·ci·o·na·do plural noun: aficionados A person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime. Synonyms: connoisseur, expert, authority, specialist, pundit, cognoscente; enthusiast, devotee; Informal: fan, buff, freak, nut, fiend, maniac, fanatic, addict, junkie I’d like to think I’m a “Beauty/Business Aficionado” but I also know I have the skills to […]
Copywriting Portfolio (It’s So Delicious)
I’m always Pen & Paper Ready. I know it sounds like Camera Ready (another term I am very familiar with). A true “Pen Up Girl” indeed. My work has appeared all over the world in print, magazines and the web. Check out my Copywriting Portfolio featuring words I crafted for Firenze Osteria, Fabio Viviani’s Restaurant […]
Kick Butt Day Is Everyday
When you look in the mirror, tell yourself, it’s not about the Fall, it’s what I do when I get Up! #Ungenita
Sitting Pretty
Sometimes I think it’s important to be seen and not heard. Sounds sexist, right? Wrong! We don’t always have to make the loudest noise and speak up, in fact, sometimes it’s a good idea to #SitPretty and observe. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing the last 16 months. I know a lot of you have […]
Social Media Sites For Beauty Bloggers
As a beauty blogger you will need tools to help you get the word out about your latest and greatest posts. The fastest and easiest ways to do this is to join social media groups where you can meet and socialize with other like-minded people all while getting additional hits on your site. Here are […]