Maximize Your LEFT AND RIGHT Brain To Eliminate Fear Of Competition

Are you a left or right brained FEMININE GENIUS?

I can say for myself, I am close to being both left and right brained.

I LOVE structure, order, making quick decisions, fact checking and I collect statistics like designer stilettos.

On the other hand, I am a creative risk taker, pushing the envelop is my middle name, breaking rules is my favorite past time and I can fly by the seat of my skinny jeans with ease and grace.

Guess what?

It’s taught me to value my own knowledge. It has contributed to my evolution as a business women. It’s why reinventing myself is never a daunting task.

I work my strengths!

When it comes to knowledge, there are two key types:

1. Acquired Knowledge;

The information we learn in books, at school or in supplemental training programs. It’s often scientifically verified and externally-validated. It’s exactly what the left-brain craves.

2. Inherent Knowledge

The things you just KNOW. Your gut instinct. Your feminine intuition. It’s intuitive, mysterious and experience-based. Every time you creatively express yourself your right brain is running the show.

When you combine your inherent and acquired knowledge you are exercising your FEMININE GENIUS!

This is what will eliminate your fear of competition and put you in a COUTURE CATEGORY.

There are a lot of ‘knock offs’ out there. Don’t be like the rest of them, darling.

HOT Success,
Ungenita Prevost

PS. If you’d like to learn the chic and sophisticated way to increase your Self Worth, Net Worth & Feminine Power, I highly suggest you book a call with yours truly.

“An hour with me could save you FIVE YEARS worth of mistakes!”

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